Wednesday, November 5, 2008

Dumbed-down Americans!

If I remember correctly, the Bible mentions that in the "latter days" that people will be blinded (become blind - spiritually/intellectually) and not see the truth.

I am also aware of the "dumbing-down" of the US population - so minorities can graduate from high school.

Today's American culture gives "Joe the Plumber" or "Joe the six-pack" his beer, weekend sports entertainment, lower education scores so more kids will pass, condoms in grammer schools, senseless rap music, loud boom boxes, MTV, MySpace, Utube, a dozen different TV channels per night featuring the slut movie 'stars' and then encourages dumbed-down people to go ahead and elect an Islamic black radical liberal as America's US President and be proud of it!

What a shame! What a shame! Dumb Americans! Dumbed-down Americans!

Life's Great and then you Live!
(Ephesians 2:8-2:9)