Thursday, July 23, 2009

President Hussein Obama Racial Comment

Now this is what pi**es me off!

Anyone watch Hussein Obama's news brief on health care Wed 7/22/09?

I did.

After 1 hour, we have the black-guy in the oval office on live international TV, ending this "historical" event (I am sure it will be some day!) saying he was upset about the arrest of an 'innocent' fellow black brother - even though Hussein admitted he did not have all the facts about the arrest.

His bad choice of doing so has sent negative waves of response through the police community, the media and I am sure the black community. So now we are told - it is wrong to "profile"??!!

You can read more on the police response to his irresponsible remarks from the link below.

Why did the black-guy in the white-house NOT comment about this atrocity!?!? (click on link below) Three black - no good black bas***** - kill an 18 year old white boy for 20 bucks! Don't profile!? I profile just because it is common self-protection sense - DUH! I will continue to profile until these no good punks - white, black or Hispanic - stop their carnage - if they ever do!