Monday, October 1, 2007

Brownell's WebBench

The beginning of hunting season is here - finally!!! Actually started in many places, depending on the game. My son Pete's already in southern New Mexico on a black powder white tail hunt. Packing in on horseback and all that - would expect he'll come home with some blisters on his behind where he's never had any before. Be good for him - gotta toughen these young bucks up, ya know!

For this month's WebBench, I'd like to encourage all of you to focus on getting prepared for this great, fun time of year. There's always a lot to do - get guns ready, get to the range to check scope or sights, pick the place to hunt, buy all the gear you'll need, and more. One of the most important things you can do is to make absolutely sure your guns are in good working order and are safe to use. Then, you've got to think about other important things too...sights/scopes, slings, ammo, triggers, stocks, to mention a few. A successful hunt means a lot more than just getting a trophy or even getting your limit - it means being safe and ultimately having lots of fun. So, I'd suggest you get started now, hopefully long before you head into the fields or timbers to make sure your hunt goes off without a hitch. Key words here - Be Safe, Have a Super Hunt.

My oldest son Bob took his son out to a Hunter Education Safety course this past weekend, a requirement in Iowa for all kids twelve and older to obtain their hunting licenses. The local county Conservation officers put on a one day intensive class aimed at really teaching the kids proper gun safety, handling, hunting rules and regulations, hunter ethics, first aid, and more. A couple of our guys here at Brownells donate their time each year to help with the course - something you can do in your area. According to Bob, a fantastic class and a great way to introduce kids and adults to hunting and shooting the right way. He sat through the class with Alex, and told me he learned quite a bit from it even though he's been hunting and shooting his entire life. Now they can hunt together safely - good for a Dad/Grandpa to know.

So, might be something for you to do with your kids or grandkids. Many states have similar requirements for getting a hunting license. And, if they don't, many offer the training - just get on your state's DNR site and look for're bound to find something in your area. (Check out Google, too.) Or, if not offered by your Department of Natural Resources (Iowa's name for the game department), check for the NRA Youth Training Events, or those from NSSF or 4-H or Boy Scouts Adventuring Programs, Royal Rangers, Pheasant's Forever, your local or regional Gun Clubs. Lots of great groups are working to help our kids to get involved safely with the shooting sports. Even if you're an adult, you can learn a lot and really appreciate what the shooting sports have to offer. The point is, get your kids involved, your wife, yourself. If you have years of experience, donate some of your time and help teach a class or a section of a class, sharing your years of knowledge with the next generation of our hunters and shooters. You don't have to be a full-time teacher either, simply giving back to the sport and teaching kids about what you love - can, and does, make a huge difference.

Two Quick Points:

1. JOIN THE NRA - you should already be a member, but if not get yourself a membership, plus one for you wife/girlfriend/partner and the kids. The NRA is the only group actively and aggressively supporting the 2nd Amendment - our right to bear arms personally that we own personally and can use to protect ourselves and our loved ones. With membership comes clout, and in this election cycle we're in - that's what counts.

2. SEND MONEY TO NRA-ILA - the NRA's Institute for Legislative Action. Our lobbying group, our lawyers who help defend cases against our industry and our people, our public voice on the "stuff" going on in federal and state legislatures. These are the folks who bring the weight of the NRA membership to their meetings with Legislators and their staffs. All this activity on our behalf costs money - and ILA support is not tax deductible. Their support does not come from your membership dues. You need to support them separately.

This is going to be a tough election cycle - and the outcome of those elections could be the watershed event in private ownership of firearms in this country. You MUST be a part of that effort to make sure strong, gun-friendly supporters of the rights granted by the 2nd Amendment get elected. It truly rests squarely on your shoulders!

Brownell's WebBench

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