Thursday, January 12, 2012

Newt Ad Hits Romney on Abortion

Atlanta, Ga. - Newt 2012 released a new ad today documenting Governor Romney's pro-abortion record (Editor's note: anti-2nd Amendment record also!) as Governor of Massachusetts, despite his claim that he had changed his position from pro-choice to pro-life. 
Read more on Newt Ad Hits Romney on Abortion
Important: Do You Support Pres. Obama's Re-Election? Vote Here Now!

“I don’t agree with him (Ron Paul) on everything, but he’s right about the out of control and unaccountable Federal Reserve. He’s right about the need for limited constitutional government and the importance of individual liberty said  Republican Sen. Jim DeMint of the Palmetto State.
“If the other candidates miss the wisdom in what he’s saying about our monetary policy and limited government then I think that we’ll see it’s to their detriment because the 20 percent or 25 percent or so that are supporting him are people that we need in the Republican Party. And a lot of them are Libertarians (Editor's note: and independents on both sides!), but they’re our natural base and we shouldn’t ignore them.”
Read more on DeMint to Gingrich: Tone Down Attacks on Romney 
Important: Do You Support Pres. Obama's Re-Election? Vote Here Now!

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